Interesting facts and information about Thutmose III


Thutmose III was one of the most famous pharaohs of Egypt, who ruled the country for a long time from 1479 BC to 1425 BC, and he was very strong, therefore he is known as the Napoleon of Egypt and a great general too.
There are so many things you don’t know about this famous pharaoh, so we will tell you some interesting facts and information about him in our article today.

Why Thutmose III is great?

He ruled Egypt for 54 years, and during this long period, he succeeded in defeating many of Egypt's enemies, so he was known as the great general.
He also greatly expanded and developed the extent of the Egyptian Empire during his long period, which was a great achievement for him and for Egypt too.

The life of Thutmose III:

His father was Thutmose II, who was also a great pharaoh of Egypt, and his mother was Iset, who played an important role in making her son learning about the responsibilities and roles of the pharaoh in a perfect way.
He actually ruled Egypt when he was very young after his father's death, and he was crowned as the new pharaoh, but his aunt, Queen Hatshepsut, was the one who actually served as his regent.
After she died, Thutmose III ruled the country, and he faced many problems, and defeat many enemies too, but he was strong and responsible.

Facts about Thutmose III:

He built a strong army, and he faced the rebels, who rebelled against Egypt after Thutmose III became the king of Egypt.
He had a famous battle called the Battle of Megiddo, and he defeated the rebels at this battle, and he succeeded in brought them back under Egypt's control.
During his period as a king of Egypt, he launched many military campaigns, which were strong and irresistible.
Thutmose III played an important role in expanding Egypt's borders, and he conquered hundreds of cities, such as Nubia, Canaan, and southern Syria, and all of them became part of Egypt.
He was fearless because he was a brave warrior, who fought on the front lines of his army, so he had great and hard battles, but he won them all, so you will never find any records of Thutmose ever losing a battle.


Thutmose III was known as a great general, and he was one of the bravest pharaohs of Egypt, who ruled the country for 54 years, and during this long period, he didn’t lose any battle against his enemy because he was a brave warrior and a clever army man.

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