Amazing facts about Narmer the first pharaoh of Egypt


The Pharaohs have a long history in Egypt, and this name refers to the ancient kings or Queens of Egypt.
The most famous and well-known pharaohs were Nefertiti and Cleopatra, who were the bravest women in history.

What were the pharaohs’ responsibilities?
In Egypt, a Pharaoh king or queen was the most important and powerful person in the kingdom, who owned the country and have the right to order his/her people to do what he/she wants.
Therefore, the people of Egypt were treating Pharaoh as a half-god for them, and they were presenting so many sacrifices for him/her because he was the head of the government and high priest of every temple too.

Narmer was the first pharaoh of Egypt:
Narmer was the first pharaoh of Egypt, and sometimes we call him Menes, he played a key role in uniting Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt because he was the first king of the first dynasty.
Before the great coming of Narmer, Egypt was divided into two kingdoms, and that had a bad effect on its economy and development, so it was huge progress for Narmer to unite the two kingdoms together under his name.

Facts about the great Narmer:
  • There are some facts that many people don't know about Narmer, so we will tell you some of them in the following lines.
  • He made a peaceful Kingdom in Egypt although all the danger that faced Egypt during his period.
  • Narmer married a princess named Neithhotep, and this marriage was to help seal the new alliance of Lower and Upper Egypt.
  • He was the first one who founded the first capital of Egypt, which was called Memphis.
  • The great Ancient history of Egypt begins from Narmer because of his role in uniting the north and the south together as one country under his name.
  • Narmer put the basics of many large building projects, which were done by the future Kingdoms, who came after the death of Narmer.
  • Narmer succeeded in developing trade with nearby southern Canaan, which was great progress in Egyptian history.
  • There are some pottery shards inscribed with Narmer's name across North Africa and the nearby regions.

The Pharaohs were the most powerful people in ancient Egypt, and they had huge respect from the Egyptian people because they were treating him as a half-god.
Narmer was the first Pharaoh, who ruled Egypt and succeeded in uniting Lower and Upper Egypt together, which was something incredible at his time.
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