Amazing facts about the powerful woman Hatshepsut


Hatshepsut was a great example as one of the most powerful female pharaohs of Egypt, she played an important role in the country during its period between 1473 and 1458 B.C.

Who was Hatshepsut?

Hatshepsut was the daughter of the Pharaoh Thutmose I and the Queen Ahmose, and her grandfather was Ahmose I, who was the founder of the eighteenth Pharaonic family.
She was born in 1508 BC, and she was famous for her great knowledge because she studied behavioral sciences, correct ethics, philosophy, arithmetic, reading, writing, grammar, and language, as well as proper religious rituals.

Why was Hatshepsut the most powerful woman in Egypt?

She was a strong woman, who ruled Egypt in a peaceful way, and her period was stable, which helped her to launch a building program, and she also succeeded in launching an effective sea voyage to the land of Punt in the northeast coast of Africa.
It was abnormal to see a woman became pharaoh of Egypt, so it was a big challenge for her and she did her best to leave a great history behind her after she died.

Facts about Hatshepsut:

Her name is not a normal name because it has a beautiful meaning, which is "foremost of noblewomen"
Her statues and paintings are unique because she was portraying herself with a male body and a fake beard all the time to show how much she is strong
If you want to visit one of the most impressive architectural achievements in the ancient world, then you will need to check the major temple of Hatshepsut, which was built into the cliffs of Deir el Bahri that is located in western Thebes
Many mines and quarries that had been neglected before her reign were opened, especially the copper mines in the Sinai Peninsula
She played an important role in making the trade in Egypt very well thanks to the importation of some fish species by sending a large fleet to the Atlantic Ocean


Egypt was full of many pharaohs but there is no one was like Hatshepsut, who reigned Egypt from 1473 to 1458 B.C. and she was a powerful woman, who made the country live in a peaceful age and she faced many problems but she was incredibly strong.

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