Ancient Egyptian food and life


Ancient Egyptian food and life , Have you ever known that ladies of the court were educated at the Jeneret House, where they were instructed in music and dance.?! 

The daily routine of the Ancient Egyptian civilization is summed up in the customs and traditions of its inhabitants, including from their trades to the economy, which was based mainly on agriculture.

To know more about Ancient Egyptian food and life ; here are the most facts of Ancient Egyptian food and life

Ancient Egyptian food and life

Livestock was also a very important economic activity at this time, thanks to the domestication of animals and harvesting.

The Egyptians created a revolutionary irrigation system that gave rise to a new concept of economy and storage, which, in turn, contributed to the development of writing, algebra, astronomy, etc.

Ancient Egyptian Educational field

In the educational field, there was an institution dedicated to advanced education. 

In it were the library, the archive, and workshops for copying manuscripts.

Only scribes and priests had access to the House of Life, which already existed in the Old Kingdom as historians confirm. It also tended to be the seat of the royal palace.

Ancient Egyptian Women 

The ladies of the court were educated at the Jeneret House, where they were instructed in music and dance. 

There they learned to play instruments such as the lute, harp or flute and learned rituals and melodies that, it was believed, could appease even divinities.

Ancient Egyptian houses

As for the houses, the first known dates back to the Predynastic Period and was built with adobes, with a log roof covered with palm leaves and mud.

Usually, they were small, semi-underground houses with sloping roofs, similar to those that exist today. Currently, there are remains of this type of housing in Amarna and Deir el-Medina.

Ancient Egyptian Food

As we mentioned in the previous section, the Egyptians lived on the basis of livestock and agriculture, so it is clear that their diet was based on products of this type.

What is known today about the cuisine of Ancient Egypt is thanks to the different engravings and hieroglyphs found in temples and tombs.

Bread and beer were stapled foods.

Fish and meat were also part of the staple foods. 

Generally, pork, sheep, poultry and cow meat were the most used, although the last two were usually reserved for special occasions.

Whatever the type of meat, the way of preparation was roasted, dried and, finally, preserved in salted meat. 

The most consumed fish was mullet, from which the bottarga was made, a recipe that is still consumed today throughout the Mediterranean.

Garlic, onion, beans, peas, lentils, cabbage, cucumber, lettuce, leek, radishes ... these were the most consumed vegetables in Ancient Egypt.

On the other hand, dates, grapes, pomegranate, melon, and sycamore were the favorite fruits of this civilization. 

Finally, honey was used both in the preparation of desserts and in the preparation of many natural remedies.


Ancient Egyptians lived on the basis of livestock and agriculture, so it is clear that their diet was based on products of this type.

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