Facts about the “lady of all women” Nefertiti


Nefertiti was the most popular and strong ancient queen of Egypt, who was known as the “lady of all women”, and “Great King's Wife”, who was Pharaoh Akhenaten.
She was one of the most mysterious women in ancient Egypt because she was smart and powerful, and she proved that after she became the queen of Egypt alongside her husband from 1353 to 1336 B.C.

Fast facts about Nefertiti:

She ruled the country after the death of her husband in the period of the New Kingdom, and she was strong enough to make a difference to the country in a very short time.
She was known for her painted sandstone bust, which was discovered in 1913, and then it became an important icon of feminine beauty and power.

She had many nicknames, such as Lady of The Two Lands, Hereditary Princess, Great of Praises, Lady of Grace, Sweet of Love, Main King's Wife, his beloved, Great King's Wife, Lady of all Women, and Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt.

She was the daughter of Ay, and history proved that she was a princess from the Mittani kingdom in northern Syria.

She succeeded in reviving many old cities, and she also proved that she was able to reinstall the cult statues of Mut, Amun, Ptah, and Nefertum besides many other traditional gods.

Why Nefertiti is the most famous Egyptian women? 

After Cleopatra, we can say that Nefertiti is the most famous Egyptian queen because of her beauty and her achievements too, and she had many secrets in her life that still a mystery until today.

The bust of Nefertiti has been kept in various museums in the world, and then it became one of the best attractions around the world, after that, it becomes a cultural symbol of many places especially Berlin, and the name of Nefertiti was known from all over the world.

She had huge popularity after the great discovery of many things that were related to her, and then she became the most famous Egyptian queen after Cleopatra, and she was known as a beautiful and powerful figure of ancient Egypt.


Nefertiti was one of the most powerful queens in Egypt, and she was known as the lady of all women because of her unique beauty, which helped her to become more famous than the queen of Egypt Cleopatra.

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