Know everything about the magnificent Akhenaten


Egypt had never get a strong and unique pharaoh like Akhenaten, he was the one who succeeded in changing the traditional religion of Ancient Egypt, and he was also the one who built the city of Amarna.
He had many achievements in Egypt, which still exist until today because he was the unforgettable pharaoh of Egypt.

Basic information about Akhenaten:

He was born around 1380 BC and died in 1336 BC.
He ruled the country from 1353 BC to 1336 BC, which was the year of his death.
He ruled during the Eighteenth Dynasty of the famous period of ancient Egypt "The New Kingdom" period.
He united the religion of Egypt, and he made the people of Egypt have a single god named Aten, after they had the worship of many gods.
He was the second son of the famous pharaoh Amenhotep III, who taught him how to be the leader of Egypt since he was very young.
His wife was Queen Nefertiti, who was known for her power and great achievements because she ruled Egypt alongside Akhenaten, and she was considered as one of the most powerful pharaohs in ancient Egypt.

Everything you want to know about Amarna city:

This city was built around 1346 BC when Akhenaten decided to have a unique city to honor the god Aten, and it became one of the best Egyptian archaeological sites ever.
The ancient Egyptian people called this city "Akhetaten" because of his great achievements to build it in a perfect way.
During Akhenaten's reign, this city had a special place because it was the official capital of Egypt at this time, so there were the royal palace and the Great Temple of the Aten in this city.

What makes Akhenaten a magnificent pharaoh?

Akhenaten played an important role in making Egypt a better place, although he faced many problems, he was able to manage them all and build a united country full of great things.
One of the best things he gave to the country was the dramatic change in Egyptian art, and you will find that the most beautiful artwork from Ancient Egypt comes from his period, which lasted for more than 15 years.
He was also the first pharaoh who changed his name from Amenhotep IV to his new name Akhenaten, and the reason for this change was to represent his belief in the new religion, which worshiped the sun god Aten, and his new name means "Living Spirit of Aten”.

If you are looking for a great and famous pharaoh of ancient Egypt, then you will never find someone like Akhenaten, who had a key role in building the city of Amarna, which was the capital of Egypt one day, and he was also the one who changed the traditional religion of Ancient Egypt.

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