Know everything about Tutankhamun and his life


Tutankhamun is one of the most famous ancient Egyptian pharaohs ever, and he had great popularity all over the world for several reasons, which we will tell you some of them in our article today.

Amazing information about Tutankhamun:

He ruled the country from the period 1341 to 1323 BC.
He was one of the most famous kings of the Pharaohs, and he was also the youngest pharaoh in the history of Egypt.
He ruled the country when he was only 9 or 10 years old, and died before reaching the age of twenty.
The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun was in 1922, and it was the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.
The golden mask of King Tutankhamun is one of the most famous symbols of ancient Egyptian civilization.
The name “Tutankhamun” means the living image of the god Amun.

The great marriage of Tutankhamun:

He married his half-sister, daughter of Queen Nefertiti after he ruled Egypt, and this marriage was not strange for the kings in ancient Egypt because it was customary to make the king marry his sister.
In addition to their belief that the king and queen were gods, it was natural for the god to marry his sister, and then they will become one god.
Tutankhamun observes lived a life of luxury and love he lived with his wife, and some evidence has shown that his relationship with his wife was amazing and a true love story because they were in love with each other when they were young.
The treasures of Tutankhamun:

The tomb of Tutankhamun has many treasures and personal belongings that belonged to him from his childhood until his reign and his death.
The most important treasures of the tomb were:
The necklace of the sun god: it was one of the distinctive and rare collections of ornaments and jewelry found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, and it is now At the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt.
A collection of statues of King Tutankhamun: of all the treasures that were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, there were a group of statues of him and the gods of the world, which were up to 32 statues, and all of them were made of gilded wood. 

Tutankhamun was the youngest king, who ruled Egypt when he was 9 or 10 years old, and he lived a great love story with his wife who was his half-sister, and we all know everything about him when his tomb was discovered and we found many treasures with him.

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