The most important 5 events in ancient Egypt


The history of ancient Egypt is full of many important events, which still have their own marks until today, and you can learn more about them if you take a deep look at ancient Egypt's buildings.
We are here today to tell you about the most important events that happened in ancient Egypt.

Fast information about ancient Egypt:

The history of ancient Egypt dates back to 3100 BC 
The civilization of pharaohs lasted for about 3,000 years 
The history of ancient Egypt is separated into different periods, each defined by a ruling pharaoh, they are divided into the Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period, and Middle Kingdom. 

The top 5 important events in ancient Egypt:

Construction of the Great Pyramid: 

The pharaohs have built one of the greatest tourist attractions in the world, The Great Pyramid of Giza and the two smaller pyramids, and these three pyramids named Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.
The Great Pyramid stands 147 meters tall, and it was built in 2550 BC with about 2.3 million stone blocks, and about 15 tonnes of stone brick. 

The fall of the Old Kingdom: 

You have to know that the Old kingdom period started from the 3rd to the 6th Dynasty (2686-2134 BC), and its fall was epic because of the weak of the pharaohs, and then the period of civil war erupted in Egypt, so we can say that it was the time that the Old Kingdom was officially collapsed. 

Construction of the Pyramid of Djoser: 

You may don't know that this great historical attraction was originally a square mastaba shape, and then it was changed to rectangular, and it is famous for its exceptional design that is measured 62 meters with a base of 109 x 125 meters, and all of it is covered in limestone.
It was built in the 27th century BC, and then it became an essential part of Egyptian culture. 

The period of the great Ramses II: 

We can't mention the important events in ancient Egypt without talking about Ramses II and his great 67 years of ruling the country, he built many great temples, like the Abu Simbel, and he led the Egyptian armies to fight against several enemies, so we can say that he was an event itself. 

The last pharaoh of Egypt: 

The last pharaoh of Egypt was Queen Cleopatra VII, who ruled the country after the death of Alexander the Great, and when the queen died Egypt fell under the rule of Rome.


If you want to know more about ancient Egypt, then you need to look at its historical buildings that showed us how great the pharaohs were, and you will find that there were some important periods in ancient Egypt, such as Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period, and Middle Kingdom.

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