The most important pharaohs of Egypt


The most important pharaohs of Egypt , Have you ever known that "Amenophis IV / Akenhaton" These were the names of the pharaoh who initiated the cult of only one god ?!

The ancient Egyptian pharaohs were considered both divine deities and mortal rulers.

Throughout the more than 30 dynasties in the history of ancient Egypt, it is speculated that some 170 or more rulers reigned in the great land of Egypt for a period of three thousand years.

To know more about The most important pharaohs of Egypt ; here are a list of The most important pharaohs of Egypt 

The most important pharaohs of Egypt

Next, we will mention a small summary of the most important pharaohs of ancient Egypt:

Pharaoh Narmer: 

The first Pharaoh of Egypt. In his government the unification of the Egyptian territories was carried out.

Pharaoh Keops. 

The construction of the Great Pyramid, the only wonder of antiquity that is still preserved, took place in his reign.

Pharaoh Kephren. 

This pharaoh ordered the construction of the second pyramid after Cheops. He also built the famous Sphinx of Giza.

Pharaoh Hatshepsut. 

The monarchy of this queen Pharaoh lasted 25 years. During this time several expeditions to new lands occurred.

Pharaoh Amenophis III. 

Considered one of the most important pharaohs. In his government, which lasted a long time, Egypt enjoyed great prosperity.

Pharaoh Amenophis IV / Akenhaton. 

These were the names of the pharaoh who initiated the cult of only one god: Aton. His wife, Nefertiti, is known to be one of the most beautiful queens that Egypt has had.

Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Recognized for the discovery of his grave in 1922. One of the most popular works of art in Ancient Egypt is the mask of this emperor.

Pharaoh Ramses II. 

The reign of this pharaoh lasted approximately 66 years. He was a great warrior who emerged victorious in numerous battles. One of his most outstanding works is the temple of Abu-Simbel.

This list could also have appeared Cleopatra VII or Alexander the Great, protagonists of important events during Ancient Egypt, a period that lasted more than 3000 years, during which more than 30 dynasties were developed.

When did pharaohs rule Egypt?

The pharaohs were the king's gods of ancient Egypt who ruled between 3150 BC and 30 BC (when Rome conquered Egypt). Each time a new family took control of the throne, a new kingdom began in the history of this fascinating nation. While rulers often married daughters, granddaughters, sisters and brothers to keep the throne within the family, the throne still managed to change hands several times; Creating a dynamic and complex pharaonic history.


The throne of Egypt was destined primarily to be succeeded from father to son, however, in many cases this line of royalty was interrupted by murder, chaos and mysterious disappearances.

Share with us what is your favorite pharaohs from the list of The most important pharaohs of Egypt 
